Compliance with Obligations to Ensure Openness in Government Bodies and Organizations Analyzed

The Anti-Corruption Agency has conducted a study of the state of compliance with the obligations established by the legislation on openness in government bodies and organizations, and analyzed the systemic shortcomings in this area.

During the monitoring, the level of disclosure by 93 ministries, departments and local government bodies of information on activities for the 3rd quarter of 2023 in 35 categories of socially significant data outlined in Presidential Decree No. 6247 was studied. 

For reference: during the monitoring, data published in the designated resources of 21 ministries, 7 committees, 11 agencies, 7 central institutions, 13 hokimiyats and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as well as 23 organizations with a state share and 10 banks were analyzed.

The total efficiency indicator for the 93 ministries, departments and hokimiyats was recorded at 52% (only 577 out of 1103 socially significant information were disclosed).

The level of disclosure of socially significant information in eight government bodies was recorded at 100%, 11 institutions - more than 80%, 23 organizations - more than 50% and 51 departments - less than 50%.

Also, the efficiency of execution by department was 66% in ministries, 56% in committees, 54% in agencies, 56% in hokimiyats, 43% in organizations with a state share, 32% in banks, 31% in central institutions.

According to the analysis, the most unsatisfactory indicator of the level of disclosure of socially significant information is found in central institutions, organizations with state shares and banks.

During the monitoring process, it was established that in most cases government bodies make serious shortcomings in disclosing information on the expenditure of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds.

In particular, in percentage terms, the level of disclosure in the following areas is as follows: 47% of information on government procurement, 44% of information on business trips and expenses for meeting foreign guests, 59% of information on official vehicles, 59% of information on official houses and assets, 42 % information on cost estimates.

Based on the results of the monitoring, the Anti-Corruption Agency submitted statutory notices to 23 government bodies and organizations to bring to disciplinary liability responsible employees who violated the requirements of the law on openness.

Press Office

The Anti-Corruption Agency

10 November, 2023