5 April, 2024
Коррупцияга қарши курашиш агентлиги томонидан 2023 йилда давлат органлари ва ташкилотлари фаолияти очиқлигини таъминлаш соҳасида эришилган асосий ютуқлар, шунингдек, учраётган камчиликлар таҳлил қилинди.
Ochiqlikni ta’minlash sohasida amalga oshirilayotgan ishlarning samaradorligi va natijadorligini baholash komissiyasi tarkibi
1 April, 2024
Ochiqlikni ta’minlash sohasida amalga oshirilayotgan ishlarning samaradorligi va natijadorligini baholash komissiyasi
Инвестиция лойиҳалари доирасида ажратилган маблағларни мақсадли йўналтириш ва очиқликни таъминлаш борасидаги ишлар ўрганилмоқда
7 February, 2024
Инвестиция лойиҳалари доирасида ажратилган маблағларни мақсадли йўналтириш ва очиқликни таъминлаш борасидаги ишлар ўрганилмоқда
Qayta aloqa tizimlari faoliyatidagi qonunbuzilishi holatlari uchun ayrim vazirlik va hokimliklarga taqdimnoma kiritildi
22 January, 2024
Qayta aloqa tizimlari faoliyatidagi qonunbuzilishi holatlari uchun ayrim vazirlik va hokimliklarga taqdimnoma kiritildi
Employees of a Number of Government Bodies and Organizations Are Sanctioned for Not Complying with the Requirements of Legislative Acts on Openness
5 December, 2023
Employees of a Number of Government Bodies and Organizations Are Sanctioned for Not Complying with the Requirements of Legislative Acts on Openness
On Measures to Further Improve the Anti-Corruption System and Increase the Efficiency of the System of Public Control Over the Activities of Government Bodies and Organizations Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
28 November, 2023
On Measures to Further Improve the Anti-Corruption System and Increase the Efficiency of the System of Public Control Over the Activities of Government Bodies and Organizations
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Measures Identified to Combat Corruption and Ensure Openness in the Activities of Government Bodies
27 November, 2023
Measures Identified to Combat Corruption and Ensure Openness in the Activities of Government Bodies
Compliance with Obligations to Ensure Openness in Government Bodies and Organizations Analyzed
10 November, 2023
Compliance with Obligations to Ensure Openness in Government Bodies and Organizations Analyzed
On October 13, a seminar was organized in the Senate for the heads of standing commissions on information policy and ensuring openness in government bodies at local councils of people’s representatives.
14 October, 2023
On October 13, a seminar was organized in the Senate for the heads of standing commissions on information policy and ensuring openness in government bodies at local councils of people’s representatives.
Агентлик директори А.Бурханов бошчилигидаги ишчи гуруҳ томонидан коррупцияга қарши курашиш борасида амалга оширилаётган ишлар билан танишиш ҳамда бу борадаги чора-тадбирларни белгилаб олишга кўмаклашиш юзасидан ҳудудларда ўтказиб келинаётган ўрганишлар 28-29 сентябрь кунлари Бухоро вилоятида давом эттирилди.
29 September, 2023
Агентлик директори А.Бурханов бошчилигидаги ишчи гуруҳ томонидан коррупцияга қарши курашиш борасида амалга оширилаётган ишлар билан танишиш ҳамда бу борадаги чора-тадбирларни белгилаб олишга кўмаклашиш юзасидан ҳудудларда ўтказиб келинаётган ўрганишлар 28-29 сентябрь кунлари Бухоро вилоятида давом эттирилди.
Institutions to ensure openness, transparency and strengthening public control are the keys of state policy to combat corruption.
6 September, 2023
Institutions to ensure openness, transparency and strengthening public control are the keys of state policy to combat corruption.
By Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-6247 of June 16, 2021, the task assigned to ensure online streaming of test and creative (professional) exams for admission to undergraduate courses in higher educational institutions.
28 May, 2023
By Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-6247 of June 16, 2021, the task assigned to ensure online streaming of test and creative (professional) exams for admission to undergraduate courses in higher educational institutions.
Agency has studied the state of placement of socially significant information to be placed as open data by government bodies and organizations in the second quarter of 2023 in designated resources.
3 August, 2023
Agency has studied the state of placement of socially significant information to be placed as open data by government bodies and organizations in the second quarter of 2023 in designated resources.
Agency has established the practice of conducting regular studies on the implementation by government bodies and organizations of regulatory acts on openness
15 June, 2023
Agency has established the practice of conducting regular studies on the implementation by government bodies and organizations of regulatory acts on openness
On May 17, 2023, Bukhara became a venue for the Central Asia Forum on Transparency of Government Agencies Activities, organized by the Anti-Corruption Agency, together with the Representative Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Uzbekistan.
18 May, 2023
On May 17, 2023, Bukhara became a venue for the Central Asia Forum on Transparency of Government Agencies Activities, organized by the Anti-Corruption Agency, together with the Representative Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Uzbekistan.
On May 11, the Anti-Corruption Agency organized another two-day workshop to improve the skills of more than 70 employees of government bodies and organizations responsible for ensuring openness.
12 May, 2023
For reference: in 2022, the Agency organized 10 workshops aimed at training employees responsible for ensuring openness in government bodies, in which more than 200 civil servants participated. This workshop is a logical continuation of these events.
On May 5, the Anti-Corruption Agency held a workshop for members of regional councils, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Tashkent city.
5 May, 2023
Topical issues and tasks were discussed within the framework of the workshop, organized on the theme ‘Implementation of legislative acts on openness of activities of government bodies and organizations.’
On May 1, a regular meeting of the Committee on Information Policy and Ensuring Openness Government Bodies of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis was held.
1 May, 2023
The meeting with the participation of senators, members of the standing commissions of local councils of people’s representatives, senior officials of relevant government agencies and organizations, experts and media representatives, reviewed the results of the monitoring conducted by the Anti-Corruption Agency regarding the timely placement by government agencies and organizations of socially significant information to be posted as open data on the Open Data Portal ( and their official websites for 2022 and the first quarter of 2023.
The Openness Index 2022, aimed at assessing the effectiveness and productivity of the ongoing work in the field of ensuring the openness of the activities of government agencies and organizations, is announced
29 March, 2023
On March 29, 2023, the Anti-Corruption Agency held the 2nd meeting of the Commission for assessing the effectiveness and productivity of ongoing work in ensuring openness.
At the meeting, the Openness Index 2022 were announced, which assessed the effectiveness and productivity of the work carried out on openness in government agencies and organizations. The calculation of the Openness Index is carried out by the Assessment Commission on the basis of the Methodology approved in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-154, based on 8 indicators, consisting of 84 evaluation criteria.