Agency has established the practice of conducting regular studies on the implementation by government bodies and organizations of regulatory acts on openness

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-6247 of June 16, 2021, the Anti-Corruption Agency is entrusted with the functions of coordination and constant control in the field of ensuring the openness of the activities of government bodies and organizations, including the placement (disclosure) on the Internet of information provided for by the regulatory acts.

In pursuance of this task, the Agency has established the practice of conducting regular studies on the implementation by government bodies and organizations of regulatory acts on openness.

In particular, during the first quarter of the current year, the Agency monitored the activities of government bodies and organizations on their compliance with openness legislation, including the disclosure of socially significant information to be posted as open data within the established timeframe and resources.

In the course of the study, special attention was paid to 27 government bodies and organizations whose activities fell into the ‘red’ category in the Openness Index, aimed at assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the ongoing work on openness in government bodies and organizations.

Based on the results of the study, statutory notices were sent to the administrations of Jizzakh, Sirdarya and Andijan regions, as well as to the Cinematography Agency at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Aloqabank JCB and Uzavtosanoat JSC to take appropriate disciplinary measures against employees responsible for ensuring openness.

Also, for violation of the openness legislation in relation to an official of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan, an administrative protocol was drawn up under Article 215-7 of the Code on Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan and sent to the court for consideration.

The Anti-Corruption Agency continue to study of the work of other government bodies and organizations on ensuring the openness of activities.


Press Office

The Anti-Corruption Agency

15 June, 2023