By Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-6247 of June 16, 2021, the task assigned to ensure online streaming of test and creative (professional) exams for admission to undergraduate courses in higher educational institutions.

By Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-6247 of June 16, 2021, the task assigned to ensure online streaming of test and creative (professional) exams for admission to undergraduate courses in higher educational institutions.

In pursuance of this task, the broadcast of exams was also ensured this year, in particular, proper work was carried out as part of a joint decision on additional measures to prevent corruption and ensure open and transparent exams when organizing admissions for the 2023-2024 academic year, signed on July 17, 2023 between the Anti-Corruption Agency and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation.

In order to ensure the conduct of creative exams based on transparent and open principles and prevent the commission of corruption offenses, employees of the Ministry and internal anti-corruption control units (compliance control) of higher education institutions participated in the university exams to monitor the process.

From July 24 to August 7, the Anti-Corruption Agency monitored the status of online streaming of creative (professional) exams for admission to undergraduate courses at higher educational institutions through According to the data received, online streaming of examination processes was provided in 51 higher education institutions, however, it was found that in the following 9 universities, online streaming of the examination process in some educational institutions was carried out with no sound, and measures were taken in a timely manner to eliminate the problem:

  1. The Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute

  2. The Navoi State Pedagogical Institute

  3. The Namangan State Pedagogical Institute

  4. The Termez State University

  5. The Ferghana State University

  6. The Kokand Pedagogical University

  7. The Urgench State Pedagogical Institute

  8. The Tashkent State Technical University

  9. The Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

In addition, on July 26-27, the Agency officers participated as observers in the creative exam held at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies in International Journalism course.

For the prompt appeal of citizens on cases of corruption during the entrance exams, the hotlines of the Ministry are available - short number 1006 and phone number 71 207 18 43, as well as emails and, and telegram bot @EduAntiCorruptionBot. Appeals received through these channels were considered in a timely manner and appropriate measures were taken.

This year, on August 18-24, interviews were held in 89 state universities for the admission of graduates who successfully graduated from technical schools for training in their specialization from the second year. In this process, commissions were formed to conduct interviews with recommended persons with the participation of employees of the internal anti-corruption control units of universities to prevent corruption.

The Anti-Corruption Agency ensured online monitoring of the progress of the interviews.

During the monitoring, it was found that the interview process at the Ferghana Medical Institute of Public Health on August 21 was streamed without sound due to a technical malfunction, which troubleshot right away.


Press Office

The Anti-Corruption Agency

28 May, 2023