On October 13, a seminar was organized in the Senate for the heads of standing commissions on information policy and ensuring openness in government bodies at local councils of people’s representatives.

Members of the Senate, representatives of local councils, media and experts attended the event.

The seminar participants discussed the issues of strengthening the work of government bodies and territorial structures of organizations to ensure openness, as well as intensifying the work of live streaming of each session of local councils.

At the seminar, Bakhtiyor Safarov, a representative of the Anti-Corruption Agency, presented information on the Openness Index published by the Agency to assess the work done to ensure openness in government bodies and organizations, as well as the measures taken based on its results.

During the dialogue, special attention was also paid to the Agency’s regular studies of the state of publication by government bodies and organizations of socially significant information that is subject to placement as open data, the list of which is presented in Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP 6247 of June 16, 2021.

The heads of the standing commissions were given appropriate recommendations to improve the efficiency of control over the work to ensure openness in the regional structures of government bodies and organizations, and to eliminate shortcomings in this area.

Following the seminar, the participants decided to make focus on increasing the level of openness of the activities of local government bodies, ministries and departments, as well as expanding cooperation between the heads of standing commissions and heads of information services with the sector specialists.


Press Office

The Anti-Corruption Agency

14 October, 2023