Measures Identified to Combat Corruption and Ensure Openness in the Activities of Government Bodies

Measures Identified to Combat Corruption and Ensure Openness in the Activities of Government Bodies

The Decree of the President ‘On measures to further improve the anti-corruption system and increase the efficiency of the system of public control over the activities of government bodies and organizations’ has been adopted.

This Decree was developed in order to increase the efficiency of the work carried out in the field of preventing and combating corruption, further expanding the scale and ensuring unhindered access to open data on important social issues, as well as the implementation of the tasks defined by the Uzbekistan 2030 Strategy.

The Decree approved the State Anti-Corruption Program 2023-2024, consisting of 9 priority areas and 30 important measures.

The State Program defines a number of vital goals, including further improvement of the legal framework for the fight against corruption, improvement of the system for handling reports of corrupt practices, creation of mechanisms for controlling prices for goods (works and services) in public procurement, implementation of the Sphere without Corruption Project in preschool and school education sphere, the gradual formation of a team of national anti-corruption experts, the development of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2030.

From December 1, 2023, the List of socially significant information to be posted as open data is supplemented with the following items:

-       a single online queue of pilgrims queuing for the Hajj event;

-       queue (list) of applications for admission of children to a state preschool educational institution;

-       vacancies, conditions of employment, requirements for candidates and documents provided;

-       grants and social order projects allocated to nongovernmental nonprofit organizations, including reports from the winning NGOs on the work done within the framework of the order.

A procedure for online streaming of the following processes will also be introduced:

-       defense of PhD and DSc dissertations;

-       entrance exams to academic lyceums, vocational educational institutions, special academic lyceums (testing procedures in the Temurbeklar Maktabi military-academic lyceums), as well as to presidential, art and specialized schools;

-       qualifying competitions for admission to military training courses at higher educational institutions.

The Anti-Corruption Agency will monitor the effectiveness of the feedback system of government bodies and organizations through ‘Feedback Mystery Shopping’ activities. Activities will be carried out in order to check the level of continuity of functioning of the helpline of Call centers of government agencies and organizations and phone numbers published on their official websites. Monitoring will be carried out remotely by the Agency’s responsible employees, and statutory notices will be sent to government agencies to eliminate identified shortcomings.

The Agency will launch an electronic platform aimed at online training of employees responsible for ensuring openness, with the involvement of international organizations and foreign experts. At the end of the educational modules of the electronic platform, the knowledge and skills acquired by each student will be tested, the results of which will be published openly.


Press Office

The Anti-Corruption Agency

27 November, 2023