Employees of a Number of Government Bodies and Organizations Are Sanctioned for Not Complying with the Requirements of Legislative Acts on Openness

Earlier we reported that the Anti-Corruption Agency studied the state of open publication by ministries, departments and local governments of socially significant information for the 3rd quarter of 2023 (https://aca.uz/oz/article/davlat-organlari-va-tashkilotlarida-ochiqlikni-taminlashga-oid-majburiyatlarga-rioya-etish-holati-tahlil-qilindi), which was resulted with submission to 23 government agencies of statutory notices on elimination of identified deficiencies and application of disciplinary sanctions to those responsible.

According to this, each case indicated in the statutory notices was discussed in detail with the participation of heads and employees of the relevant organizations, the identified shortcomings were eliminated, and the following actions were taken against a number of responsible persons who violated the requirements of legislative acts on openness:

  • 9 employees received warnings;
  • 5 employees were reprimanded for violating labor discipline;
  • 1 employee was fined thirty percent of the average monthly salary for violation of labor discipline;
  • the employment contract with 5 employees was terminated.

Currently, the Agency is conducting studies on the implementation of the requirements of legislative acts on openness in a number of other government bodies and organizations. Additional information will be provided on the results.



Press Office

The Anti-Corruption Agency

5 December, 2023