Agency has studied the state of placement of socially significant information to be placed as open data by government bodies and organizations in the second quarter of 2023 in designated resources.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-6247 of June 16, 2021 ‘On additional measures to ensure the openness of the activities of government bodies and organizations, as well as the effective implementation of public control’, the Anti-Corruption Agency is entrusted with the tasks of coordinating and constantly monitoring the sphere ensuring the openness of the activities of government bodies and organizations, including keeping records of their obligations to post (announce) on the Internet information defined by regulatory legal acts.

In this regard, the Agency has studied the state of placement of socially significant information to be placed as open data by government bodies and organizations in the second quarter of 2023 in designated resources.

A total of 93 government bodies and organizations were studied, including 14 local governments, 21 ministries, 7 committees, 11 agencies, 7 central institutions, as well as 10 commercial banks, 23 joint-stock companies and companies with a state share of 50 and more percent.

The results showed that only 33 institutions out of the total number fulfilled their obligations by 50 percent or more, while the remaining institutions have performance indicators below 50 percent.

Fulfillment of the obligations defined by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-6247, in the context of government bodies and organizations in percentage terms, is as follows:

  • ministries — 46%

  • agencies — 41%

  • committees — 40%

  • JSCB with a state share of 50 and more percent - 40%

  • local authorities - 35%

  • central institutions - 35%

  • JSC and companies — 30%

As it turned out, the most unsatisfactory rate of disclosure of socially significant information in the indicated resources was recorded by joint-stock companies and companies with a state share of 50 and more percent. The situation is similar with the National TV and Radio Company, the Committee for Family and Women, as well as with the Andijan Regional Administration and the Samarkand Regional Administration, and the Tashkent City Administration.

Also, in the course of the study, the state of publication by the responsible government bodies of certain types of socially significant information was analyzed.

The following are the types of information that have not been disclosed by government agencies:

  • on annual cost estimates and their implementation, including the costs of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of facilities, purchase and maintenance of motor vehicles;

  • information about the winners of an open tender for the right to lease agricultural land plots;

  • information on estimates of revenues and expenditures of local budgets, formed on the basis of the results of each quarter, part of the funds of the overfulfilled plan and the purposes of directing these funds;

  • information about legal entities and individuals who received land plots and other property on the basis of a public-private partnership, transferred for permanent use to government bodies;

  • information on foreign direct investment attracted by business companies, trust managers, in which there is a state share of the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and departments, transferred to external or trust management.

Also, information on public procurement is published only by 34 government bodies, on travel and hospitality expenses of officials by only 32 institutions, information on official cars, company houses and other real estate - by 47 government bodies, information on approved annual cost estimates - 34 organizations.

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DP-154 of June 14, 2022, socially significant information should be posted in a separate section of the main page of the official websites of government bodies and organizations. If socially significant information is posted on other pages (web addresses) of official websites, it is recognized as unpublished.

Despite the fact that this requirement came into force on July 1, 2022, a number of organizations, including Uzbekistan Airports, Uzbekistan Airways, Yulkurilish JSC, Uzavtosanoat JSC, the Andijan Regional Administration and Tashkent City Administration posted the necessary information on their official websites not in a form convenient for citizens.

At the same time, it is obvious that there have been significant positive changes in terms of ensuring the openness of the activities of some government bodies and organizations.

For example, Turonbank JSCB, which entered the ‘red’ category of the Openness Index at the end of 2022, posted all the necessary information for the first half of 2023 in a timely manner and on the indicated resources.

Similar positive results showcased Uzmetkombinat JSC, Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant JSC, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the Kashkadarya Regional Administration, the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change and the Ministry of Transport.

Based on the results of the study, statutory notices were submitted to 11 government bodies and organizations on the issue of bringing to disciplinary responsibility employees who violated the legislation on openness.


Press Office

The Anti-Corruption Agency

3 August, 2023